So I don't know about you guys, but my friends are freaking HILARIOUS!! Because they are so hilarious, I have decided to share with you guys some of the texts I have received in the last little while. They are worth sharing, I promise. For the sake of my wonderful friends, I will keep this anonymous. Haha
- "The bug was asked politely to leave. It then proceeded to land on my bed. The bug is no longer with us."
- "Well... I had a guy come over yesterday... He brought his turtle... So that's my love life in a nutshell."
-"Oh my goodness, Etsy has the cutest things in the world."
~about five seconds later~
"Would be something (insert male friend's name) WOULD NEVER SAY.
-"I found a slice of swiss cheese in my car door today. I have no idea how it got there haha. Or even the last time I had swiss cheese."
HAHA and of course I am dying after re-reading these. Gosh, my friends are funny. Have any of you received texts that you just had to save, because they were so hilarious?! If you have any pretty please share! That would be wonderful.
*image via pinterest
Sunday, October 27, 2013
This is it you guys. The last of my Europe photos. It was definitely a bitter sweet moment going through the last of my photos. It made me miss Europe that much more.
While in Europe, Barcelona was DEFINITELY my favorite place we traveled to. Unfortunately, I didn't take too many pictures. By the end of the trip, I was done playing tourist. I really wanted to try to blend in (basically impossible) and live like a local. I took my camera out the last day we were there, and this is what I came up with. Beware! There are pictures of Shelby in this bunch.

While in Europe, Barcelona was DEFINITELY my favorite place we traveled to. Unfortunately, I didn't take too many pictures. By the end of the trip, I was done playing tourist. I really wanted to try to blend in (basically impossible) and live like a local. I took my camera out the last day we were there, and this is what I came up with. Beware! There are pictures of Shelby in this bunch.
Before you ask, no... I cannot take a serious picture.
Modeling friends.
This couple was basically my favorite thing in the whole entire world. Please let me be them!
I had a talented roommate.
Best friends for always!
The most amazing piece of architecture I have ever seen.
My goodness, I loved this place. I think this would be the first place I would want to go back to. It was beyond words.
Zacventure: Capitol Reef
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
After spending a lovely night at Fish Lake, Zac and I traveled to Capitol Reef to do some exploring. You guys... this place is unreal, and I was told it is like the miniature version of Moab (the place I have never been to, and have been trying to go to for the past two years). It seriously is just so stunning. Pictures don't do it justice. I wish we would have been a little more rested, so we could have explored more. That night of Uno really caught up to us. Haha
Here are a select few photos that I took. I literally had my camera out the window as we were driving, taking pictures. I couldn't get enough of it!
Here are a select few photos that I took. I literally had my camera out the window as we were driving, taking pictures. I couldn't get enough of it!
Here is Zachary trying to smile. He has a wonderful smile, but this angle makes it look like he has a cheesy grin looking off into the distance. It cracks me up!
And here is the normal photo taking face. Look familiar? Haha
Zacventure: Fish Lake
Monday, October 21, 2013
This weekend Zac and I ventured down to Fish Lake to visit Zac's brother. It was absolutely wonderful. My kids are on break, so I had most of last week off. Originally, a small group of us wanted to head down to Moab to camp for a couple days, but it ended up not working out. I was thrilled to have any excuse to escape to the mountains for a little bit, so I accepted the invitation with open arms.
I feel like I haven't used my camera in FOREVER! I may have went a little overboard.
Alright, so Zac took this first picture.. with his fancy new iphone, but I like it so I am putting it first. Now here are some of my random snapshots.
This weekend was literally a breathe of fresh air. It was short, but we managed to jam pack it with good road tripping music, uno playing, tears streaming down your face laughing, chocolate chip pancakes, picture taking, and more road tripping. I could use little vacations like this more often.
I feel like I haven't used my camera in FOREVER! I may have went a little overboard.
Alright, so Zac took this first picture.. with his fancy new iphone, but I like it so I am putting it first. Now here are some of my random snapshots.
^^ Not quite sure if he was taking a picture of me, or of something behind me... either way this made me laugh.
^^ The face that I get the majority of the time I try to take his picture. Haha
Isn't this place amazing?! I could spend days exploring, and taking pictures. Unfortunately, this weekend was the beginning of the deer hunting season (I believe), so we couldn't do much wandering. After exploring around Fish Lake we found our way to Capitol Reef, but I will have more on that later.This weekend was literally a breathe of fresh air. It was short, but we managed to jam pack it with good road tripping music, uno playing, tears streaming down your face laughing, chocolate chip pancakes, picture taking, and more road tripping. I could use little vacations like this more often.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
I love the way that you take me to places that no one else can. The way I find myself opening my mind in ways I never knew possible. There is a whole new and beautiful world I have been introduced to, because of you. I don't understand it, this thing you do to me.
Things are different with you. They are honest. I feel myself breaking down these walls that I have accumulated over time. These walls that have been as necessary to me as the air I breathe. I never knew they were breakable. I trust you, and it is terrifying just how easily it was given to you.
I feel like something in me is whole again. You have found your way into the crevices of my being that have threatened to break me, and have somehow managed to fill them.
There is no pretending with you. With you, I am in my rawest and most vulnerable skin. I want you to know this part of me. I want you to know the things that keep me awake at night, the things that hold me back. I want you to be a part of it all.
p.s- soo there is a human, and he kind of has my heart. Just thought I would let you guys know.
*image via pinterest
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
I don't know what it is about the fall, but everyone seems to take a moment to reflect, and then they write beautiful things. I have read so many lovely posts lately, so I thought I would share a few with all of you.
Well I hope you all enjoy some of those (hopefully all, because they are all worth a read). Have any of you guys read any good blog posts or articles lately? Leave a link in the comments! I would love to read them!
- Heather from House of H wrote an amazing post about being independent.
- Meg from megfee wrote about the importance of having a good cry every once in a while.
- Stefany from The Public Diary had an awesome DIY idea for an iphone case. Will be trying this one.
- Aubrey from The Daily Simple wrote a wonderful post about all the different types of things it is okay to do.
- Elin from Girl with the Star Tattoo created the greatest list of 25 things she has learned in the last 25 years. It seriously is kind of perfect.
- Jana from Singing in the Treetops posted an amazing video about an artists refreshing view of beauty.
Well I hope you all enjoy some of those (hopefully all, because they are all worth a read). Have any of you guys read any good blog posts or articles lately? Leave a link in the comments! I would love to read them!
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