Zacventure: Spiral Jetty

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Yes, I know it has been a while. Sorry 'bout it. It is December, so I think that is excuse enough. I'm just happy I showered this morning.

I told you in the last post (about two and a half weeks ago) that I only had one more set of pictures to show you from the fall. No, I haven't taken any other pictures since then. I am kind of upset about it. Luckily, my wonderful Zac got me all sorts of fun camera type things (new camera bag anyone?), so I am ready to get back out there!

This was one of my favorite adventures. I have been wanting to go see the spiral jetty for FOREVER!!! This was a surprise adventure, so I wasn't allowed to know where we were going until we got there. I think that is what made it all the more exciting. Gosh, it is pretty dang incredible, and it was such a beautiful day! You will see what I mean.
And of course, no adventure is complete without a couple of pictures of me acting like a crazy person. 
Alright, I guess this one is normal.

First off, do you guys see that sky?! Like seriously, it was unreal. It was basically the perfect day.
Second, I am pretty sure that foam was my favorite thing in all the land. There was so much of it!! I am pretty sure Zac has some pictures somewhere of me going all Godzilla on it. Yeah..

There you have it folks. I am FINALLY caught up on pictures! Hallelujah.

In my absence a few fun things have happened. Well, I guess mainly just one. I TURNED 21!!! Do you know what that means......


Excuse me while I die of happiness overload. It is about time!!

Other than finding all the concerts, I plan on spending the rest of this week getting ready for Christmas. So far this holiday season has been stellar, and I am so excited to have a little break to spend with my family. Thank goodness for Christmas break!

*images of me were taken by my wonderful Zac


  1. I sure miss skies like that! I feel like I'll never be able to go outside again!

    1. Right?! This weather has been absolutely ridiculous! Can't there just be pretty snow on the ground, and clear blue skies?! Is that so much to ask?!

  2. I can't believe it's snowing ugh. I want to go explore in the sun!

    Tightrope to the Sun

    1. You and me both! Lets finally someplace with sun!

  3. Congrats, Happy 21st!! And Oh my, your pictures look full of adventure, I love it.

  4. congrats on the big 21-er! that's always an exciting birthday. doesn't it seem like you've been waiting your whole life? ;)

    that foam picture is crazy! i definitely did a double-take.

    1. For real though! I feel like I can do anything now!! It is so wonderful!


I appreciate your loveliest of lovely comments! :)

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