So if I had to pick one thing to be my favorite thing, it would probably be concerts. I absolutely love going to concerts! I always find that I am most happy at concerts, or just enjoying music. I am NOT musically inclined, but music has always been something that has been extremely important to me. I think it is important to everyone in some sense. I don't really know where I would be without music.
I guess I should try to explain why I love concerts so much. The truth is, I don't really know. It isn't something I can really describe. It is just something I feel. It is one thing to listen to music through speakers, or headphones. Listening to music live, like the band is in front of you, going crazy, and playing music... I seriously can't even describe it. I think I like it because you can SEE there passion. You see them play these songs, and you know that each one has a deeper meaning than you could ever even begin to understand. They wrote every single song for a reason, and because of some kind of experience. Music is life. It tells people's life stories. It is just crazy how you connect with someone you have never even met all because of some words and chords. It seriously boggles my mind! So I guess it is the passion.
I think another reason I love concerts is it is the only setting where I feel completely comfortable letting loose. I don't care what people think about me anymore. If I want to dance, I am going to dance. If I want to just stand there, I am just going to stand there. It is a time where it is just me, the band, and the crowd. It isn't about individual people. It is about all of us coming together as a group to enjoy something we all love. To feel the music, and just rock out!
I am not going to even try to figure out how many concerts I have been to. I seriously have lost count. I know it exceeds all my fingers and A LOT. I guess it is because concerts are the only thing that I think are worth my money. Concerts are one of the only things I am willing to spend money on. It's because I know the experience is always worth it. I usually don't go to concerts where I don't at least know one of the bands playing, and if I do the concert is usually only like $5 or something. Worth it right? It can either be a disaster, or it can be amazing! I haven't ever had an experience where I have gone to a concert, and didn't like AT LEAST one of the bands. Therefore, I am pretty much always willing to check it out.
I guess the reason I brought this up is because I go to a lot of concerts, and I post about a lot of concerts. It is something you will frequently see on my blog. Of course I have to talk about it afterward!
So yesterday I went to a concert. Haha You guys, it was fantastic AND I found a new awesome band. My friend and I traveled the long journey to Mojo's Cafe which is in Ogden. We both had never really been to Ogden before, and we were pleasantly surprised by the cute little town that it was. Of course it was practically a blizzard outside, so it felt like quite the accomplishment getting there in once piece, and ZERO close calls. Anyway, Mojo's is probably my favorite thing on the planet. It reminds me of Muse Music Cafe, but the people are nicer and more laid back. You walk back to where the stage is, and it is just a room full of tables, chairs, couches, awesome art, and cool lights. It seriously has one of the coolest atmospheres ever.
Here is something you probably don't know about me. One of my biggest dreams is to one day open a little coffee shop, and have a stage where I can invite local bands to come and play. If I needed a model of what I have in my mind, it would be Mojo's. It really is just awesome, and I plan on going to more shows there.
So my friend and I traveled all that way to go see The North Valley. Yes, that is the band I talked about last week. Yes, that is the band we say LAST weekend. Definitely don't see a problem with this... especially since the same friend and I are going to go see another one of their shows next weekend. Three weekends in a row seeing the same band... I pretty much see nothing wrong with this. You guys, they are so good! Like seriously, it is unreal. The guys are hilarious, and their music is kind of indescribable. I seriously have tried to explain it to people, and I just can't. You HAVE to listen to it yourself. They played with two other bands. Up first was Mermaid Baby. They were fantastic! It is just three guys, but they are awesome. Plus, the lead singer has pretty much the coolest hair on the planet. I love me some long curly hair. We have already discussed how this is a problem. Anyway, they played first and then it was The North Valley's turn. I definitely loved them a lot more this time than I did at Kilby Court, which is saying A LOT because I love them. I have only seen two other bands multiple times (Thrice and Flyleaf), and they were both over the space of several months or a year. I have never seen the same awesome band two weekends in a row. I don't know why, but it really makes it so much more fun! It is like you recognize how each band member feels the music, and it is funny to see that they always act the same. I don't really know how to explain it. It is just enjoyable. Plus, the played "Dianthus" which is one of my favorite songs by them. I don't think they play it that often, because the song is like seven minutes long. Haha It was so good though! My friend Emily and I are also obsessed with the song "Riverside", so it was so fun getting to hear that. I think the best part is we are still learning the music, and it is getting more fun now that we are starting to learn the words to their songs, and knowing which song is which. I don't know people! It was just so much fun!!
The last band to play was called Hectic Hobos... they were interesting. Haha They are insanely good musicians, but we both weren't digging the guys voice. We left after a couple of their songs.
Well I guess all that's left is to show you some instagram pics of the event. That is kind of a must right?
Mermaid Baby
The North Valley
I will also leave you with this link to watch The North Valley singing "Riverside." I seriously have had this on repeat since they posted it on Twitter a couple days ago. It is sooo good!
P.s- Sorry I am not smart enough to get the video on here. Anyone know how to do that?
hahahahahahaha you LOVE the north valley