
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I swear one day I am feeling on top of the world, and that I have my life all figured out, and then the next day I am on the verge of a mental breakdown. This was my day yesterday. Does this happen to anyone else but me?

Yesterday was just a bad day for me, and when I sat back and thought about it I realized that it was all on me. I was the one stressing myself out, and for not reason at all. Do you ever have those days where you are either of sick of your job, or school, or anything really, and it is just for that day, but it is like all the sudden your head explodes, and you can't stop your thoughts from running wild? You put so much stress on finding that perfect job, or being this perfect person, and before you know it you are doing all you can not to break into a million tiny pieces? Why do we do this to ourselves?

It is ridiculous you guys. The need for being perfect, and comparing ourselves to everyone. Just days before you were thinking how lucky you are, and what a blessed life you have, and the next thing you know you have completely turned your back on that wonderful life, and instead are wasting your time trying to become someone you are not. I think we sometimes we just need to take a deep breathe, step back, and realize most of us have it pretty good, and there is just no need at all to do all this comparing and perfecting.

I guess the main point I am trying to get across is life is just too hard if your are constantly comparing yourself to others, and my goal from here on out is to change my attitude about that. Instead of being jealous of those who might be more successful than me, to instead be excited and proud for them! We should all be rooting for each other. Life isn't a competition! We should all get to CHOOSE the way we want to live without fear of not being good or glamorous enough.

Well this is the end of my rambling ladies and gentlemen. Here is to a new attitude, and to less breakdowns.

P.s- Pictures are from a Saturday adventure with my love to Bridal Veil Falls. We were driving through the Alpine Loop when we stumbled upon this beauty. It was too gorgeous not to stop and pull over to take pictures. I want to go back some day soon, and explore it a little more!


  1. Oh my word, yes. This is my life. Just ask the husband haha. I'm right there with you, always. So, if you ever need to vent just text me!

    1. will most definitely take you up on that offer lady!

  2. oh girl. YES to all of these beautiful words. and YES to not comparing ourselves - gah it's so natural to pit ourselves against each other & i don't know why. i feel like i have breakdowns like, every other week you're not alone there.

    one thing that helps me is allowing myself the bad days. instead of beating yourself up for feeling down, just say "today wasn't great,"acknowledge that, & move on. this helps me start fresh the next day. good luck with your renewed goals. you are great. xo

    1. i really like that. i think it was a post of yours a little while back were you talked about that, and i have tried to have that outlook ever since. you really do need to just let yourself have the bad days, but to realize that and to not let it continue throughout the week or even month!

  3. YES TO ROOTING FOR EACH OTHERE. i totally feel you on all of this - why do we spiral into feeling crap like that?

    well, just know that you are great and fabulous and doing good things.

    1. it seriously is ridiculous isn't it?! i don't know why it is so easy for us to spiral into those feelings of jealousy.

  4. Bless. I love you. I hate perfection and school and jobs and I only want fall break and to hike with you and things.


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