Pen Pals

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Alright ladies, I don't know if the rest of you have caught on to this lovely idea, but I feel like the term "pen pals" is certainly circulating its way through the blogging world right now... and I am soo in! So yeah, I am looking for some lovely pen pals! Like seriously, how fun does that sound?!

If any of you lovely ladies would like to be pen pals shoot me an email at

Let the fun begin!

*image via Pinterest


  1. I love the idea of having a pen pal. I feel like the concept is achieved through blogging as well. I get to chat to cool chicks like you and tons of other interesting people. And the best part??! We all have atleast one thing in common: Fashion! lol

    1. totally! i love this :) i never really thought of it that way.


I appreciate your loveliest of lovely comments! :)

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