Things That Made Me Laugh

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hahaha! In case you needed a laugh..

*all images via Pinterest


  1. The celebrity burrito one is literally my favorite thing I have ever seen. Me and my friend reference it all the time because we know that all the celebrities we love would be obsessed with us. haha.

    1. HAHAHA same!! When I found it I basically died. It is so true though. All my celebrity crushes would not even know what to do with me, because we have SOOO much in common... like liking ice cream and stuff. Basically fate.

  2. Hahaha. I so agree with the top thing. T-Swift terrifies me, dating-wise. But then she does interviews like the treadmill one and I'm like, do I hate you or want you in my pocket to talk to always? I'll NEVER KNOW.

    1. Right?!?! I can never decide. It seriously changes every day. Do I want her to be my best friend, or will she just steal all my boys... if i had any boys to steal. Hahaha

  3. Those are so funny!
    Especially the "my life is like a romantic comedy" one.

  4. hahaha that imagination one killed me. STORY OF MY LIFE!


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