A List of Ten

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I got this idea from Kylie from the blog kyliebrooke earlier this week. Basically, it is just listing ten things you love right this second. I think taking just a second to think about things you love, and that you are grateful for can completely change your mood around for the better. Hopefully, this is something that I can come back to occasionally.

Here is my list of ten:

  1. Natural light streaming through big window
  2. A good book, a comfortable couch, and a warm blanket
  3. Fireplaces
  4. Simply Balanced Strawberry fruit bites. But seriously, they are the bomb. 
  5. Kitties that love to sit on your lap.
  6. Hiking
  7. New running pants
  8. The app Inlight. It is the greatest.
  9. Pictures of mountains
  10. Cuddling
What are on your list of ten?!

*image via Pinterest


  1. Aw I love this list. Numbers 1-10 on my list right now is that SPRING BREAK IS NEXT WEEK.

  2. the potted tulips we brought home from walmart yesterday. spring is taking much too long to arrive.

    1. i couldn't agree more. i am so ready for tulips (my favorite flower) and sunny weather.

  3. Thank you for finding and reading my blog! I'm so glad that you liked the list of ten - I'm OBSESSED with making my list of ten errrrryday now. PLUS, your list is great. As is your darling blog, which I'm now going to stalk for the rest of the day.

    1. oh my goodness! you are so stinking sweet! thanks for the wonderful inspiration!!


I appreciate your loveliest of lovely comments! :)

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