
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So this is what is currently happening in my life. I got this post idea from here. Of course there is the usually work and school. I have been back in school for two day, and I already feel like I need another break. I am bad at school. Haha Anyway...
WATCHING: I have been obsessed with Criminal Minds. I had never seen it until a few weeks ago when my lovely friends from work agreed that we should have a Criminal Minds marathon. I am not hooked. It is bad. I am embarrassed to say how many episodes I have watched since that little marathon. Or how many I watched in just one day (eight). Let's not talk about it. Moving on...
PLAYING: I still can't stop listening to Grouplove! Help me. It is taking over my life!
DREAMING: I really have been wanting to take a trip to Seattle. I have never been, and it is sad how many times I have talked about going. I think it's time to finally just do it. Now if only I could find people to join me. That would probably be good.
EATING: I have been trying to eat better. I kind of lost control a little bit. Haha But some of my favorites lately have been goldfish and carrot cake. Yeah...
WORKING ON: Getting brave enough to start my College Street Style posts. I still haven't started. I am not good at just walking up to people, and asking them for a favor. I am not good at talking to people period. I am also working on taking more pictures with an actual camera, and not just my phone. This is a challenge. Especially since I don't have my own camera...
Well that was fun! Until next time.
Happy Tuesday!
Currently Listening

"The Wolves (Act I and II)" by Bon Iver

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