Challenge Yourself

Thursday, February 14, 2013

So as I mentioned before, I have been in a huge fashion rut lately. It is like no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get passed it. I have been looking at pinterest and lookbook for inspiration, but I really am just not inspired by any of the new looks I am seeing. 

I have decided to go back to the basics. What I mean by this is for the next month I am only going to wear dresses and skirts. NO PANTS! I know, crazy. I have just really been trying to figure out what MY style is lately. I know this is something that will always change, but I want to have a style that defines me. 
 So now comes the hard part. What kind of style defines me? Don't get me wrong, I love a good pair of jeans, a band tee, and some vans. If I could wear that every day I probably would just because of comfort, but when I look in the mirror I am not satisfied. Every once in a while it is just what I need, but I don't know if that is my thing. After thinking long and hard about this, I remembered something my friend Sara said back in this post. Just how inspired she was by the old days when ladies were ladies, and to only wear jeans on bad days. It made me realize that the style I want to portray is one of class. I really believe that the way you dress determines your attitude towards the day, and how you interact with people. I am choosing to only wear dresses and skirts for a month, because I know that when I do I have a more positive attitude towards my day. I sit taller, eat better, and I try harder to use a more sophisticated vocabulary. This is the kind of person I want to be, so I am going to try it out. This is coming from a girl who refused to wear any type of skirt until high school so it may be a little tough at first, but I am determined people! So wish me luck, because I am starting today!


I appreciate your loveliest of lovely comments! :)

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